I pray for every one of us really.
As long as there is love in the heart, will not be lost.
Printing written does not represent them is truth.
For the grace of you love, I would rather have the enjoyment of humility.
I love you. Promise me, you will love me forever.
I wondered, why people misunderstand me to this degree.
Before I entered youth, I felt like an old man.
I like ordinary people. Bleed can be injured, also embarrassed easily.
I'm not to become a god, but try to let the light of god shine in my heart.
I continue to jump, the creation of the eternal dance, the creator and creation merge into a complete joy.
If you want to the world a better place, then, look at yourself first, and then make a change.
Lies at the sprint but truth is good at marathon. The truth eventually win the trial in court.
Accept education is the most effective way is in the scene, see how the master creation.
Only grasps the notion that use water to moisten the land, the groundwater is the land owners a fortune.
Hit me, hate me, can never defeat me!!!!!!! Luring me, threatened me, you can never beat me!!!!!!!
Strive to do your best, can't be the second or the third party. As long as you chose this way, you must be the best.
I reiterate that I will never hurt a child. Those written in the media let I hate about my frustrations.
In a world filled with hate, we still hope; In a world filled with despair, we still dare to dream.
The meaning of life lies in every expression of life, it embodied in the form and the performance of the infinite extension, exists in all creation.
No matter how much money did you earn, no matter how famous you are, you will still feel empty. You really looking for is unconditional love and tolerance.
Know the person I will know the truth, that the child is the most important part of my life, I would never hurt any one of the children.
Let's dream of a tomorrow, there is rising up from the bottom of love, we will understand a truth, love is like a heart full of creativity.
I know myself and most of the same age, because I through a lot. But I am not crazy, I not mad, people just don't understand me.
If with moved by love came to this world, if you also left with this move, so your life everything that has happened to nothing.
I was lucky to get this gift, I also happy to return them to the world: through my music and dance feel the joy of nature and humanity.
The children with a happy smile, tell me this gift is born. The purity of goodness in their heart, irradiation, eternal existence.
I am now a vegetarian, and I lost a lot. I have been for years, strictly on a diet. I feel than ever before, I am more healthy and energetic.
I remember once on my way to the studio, see there is a park across the street. I can see the children playing there, this picture makes me feel so sad cry, because I have to go to work.
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