Most people in US today call the midday meal “lunch,” but about seven percent of people said they’d call the midday meal “dinner”.
Eight percent of people who say dinner is the biggest meal of the day no matter what time you have it or the 12 percent who say dinner takes place in a more formal setting than supper.
The roots of the difference go back to farming culture. On farms, dinner was a heavy meal that laborers ate to sustain themselves through a long afternoon. Its use has changed with modern life, but as we’ve seen, it can still suggest a heavy evening meal, while supper can be lighter evening fare.
a meal—“chow”— and it turns out to have a surprising origin. It was originally used to refer to just Chinese food because apparently, Chinese people in California in the 1800s used the phrase “chow-chow” to refer to food, and that eventually got shortened to just “chow” and the meaning expanded in English to include all kinds of food.
A meal——“chow”——其起源令人惊讶。它最初被用来指中国菜,因为很明显,19世纪的加利福尼亚中国人用“chow-chow”这个短语来指代食物,最终被简称为“chow”,意思各种各样的食物。
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