热点短语bite the dust用法解析
热点短语bite the dust用法解析
bite the dust可不是要泥土,也不是吃泥土的意思,其含义有以下两种:
to fail, or to be defeated or destroyed
类似于现在的一个网络流行语,叫作 “败者食尘”。
I am not going to bite the dust so easily because throughout my life I have been a fighter.
One of the main reasons that he bit the dust so early in his career was because of
his inflated ego.
Rose understands that taking this challenge could lead to her biting the dust and hence refrained from even the conversation.
You will only understand the importance of having your family close by when you have to bite the dust. Until then they will remain worthless to you.
His career bit the dust when he lost his job.
My car finally bit the dust.
Judging by all that noise coming from her car, I'm pretty sure it's about to bite the dust.
I have to go buy a new blender because mine bit the dust today.
The allegation has caused one lecturer's career to bite the dust.
Business cards are the driving licenses of the business world, without which you
may bite the dust.
Rowling isn't naming names, but she has said at least two characters will bite the dust.
In the last 30 years many cherished values have bitten the dust
Another Hollywood golden couple has bitten the dust.
Thousands of small businesses bite the dust every year.
2. 死;阵亡;牺牲
We were so lucky to avoid that massive accident—we might have bitten the dust!
Many young soldiers bit the dust in the battle.
The soldier bit the dust after a very long fight and even at that he managed to take many enemy soldiers with him.
其实,这个用法来自源于19世纪,Samuel Butler的作品《The Iliad》:
Grant that my sword may pierce the shirt of Hector about his heart, and that full many of his comrades may bite the dust as they fall dying round him. 《The Iliad》Samuel Butler
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