英语美文夜读:Leisure Time闲暇时间 (内附音频)
英语美文夜读:Leisure Time闲暇时间 (内附音频)
Leisure Time 闲暇时间
True to their reputation as leisureloving gourmets,the French spend more time sleeping and eating than anyone else among the world's wealthy nations, according to a study published on Monday.
The average French person sleeps almost nine hours every night, more than an hour longer than the average Japanese and Korean, who sleep the least in a survey of 18 members of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) .
这项由经合组织对其 18个成员开展的调查表明,普通的法国人每晚的睡眠时间达近 9个小时,比日本人和韩国人长一个多小时,日韩两国人的睡眠时间为受调查国中最短。
Despite their siesta habit, Spaniards rank only third in the poll after Americans, who sleep more than 8.5 hours.
尽管西班牙人有午睡习惯,但他们在该调查中也仅名列第二位,居睡眠时间超过 8.5小时的美国人之后。
And while more and more French people grab a bite at fast-food chains these days or wolf down a sandwich at their desk, they still spend more than two hours a day eating.
That means their meals are twice as long as those of the average Mexican, who dedicates just over an hour a day to food, the OECD's "Society at a Glance" report on work, health and leisure in Asia, Europe and North and South America found.
The Japanese, Scrimping on sleep and burdened with long commutes and working hours, still manage to spend close to two hours a day eating and drinking, placing them third behind New Zealanders.
Despite the moderate amount of time Americans spend eating each day -about an hour and a quarter -U.S obesity rates are the highest in the 30 members of OECD.
美国人每天花在吃饭上的时间较为适中,约为1小时 15 分钟,但美国的肥胖率在经合组织的 30个成员国中最高。
The Japanese like to spend what remains of their scarce free time watching television or listening to the radio. This takes up 47 percent of leisure time in Japan.
日本人喜欢把他们宝贵的闲暇时光花在看电视或听广播上,这两项占日本人日常休闲时间的 47%。
Turks, on the other hand, spend more than a third of their leisure time entertaining friends.
Norwegians spend the most time at leisure, just over a quarter of their day, while at the low end, Mexicans spend just 16 percent of their time having fun.
挪威人花在休闲上的时间最多,他们一天中有四分之一的时间用于休闲,而墨西哥人的休闲时间最少,仅用去一天的 16%。
The OECD has 30 members. The survey covers only the countries for which appropriate figures were available.
经合组织共有 30个成员国。该调查的范围仅限于能提供确切数据的国家。
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