Shaolin is well-known as one of the most prominent schools of Chinese martial arts. It has complete routines, flexible moves, and complicated branches. In addition to basic moves of fists and legs, there are many featured weapons such as blades, cudgels, hammers, and swords.
Because of its unique culture, the Shaolin Temple has become a sacred place for martial art enthusiasts. Shi Yanmeng is one of them. His obsession with martial arts began in his childhood. At the age of fifteen, he passed stringent selections to become one of the 34th-generation disciples of the Shaolin Temple.
Shi Yanmeng has been improving his skills with the spear. The Shaolin spear has been passed on for more than a thousand years, featuring swiftness and accuracy. He's been practicing the spear for performance, with selected moves in various styles. The techniques are very elaborate.
The most important thing in practicing the spear is the combination of strength, speed, and accuracy. First of all, your wrists must be strong enough. Some of the basic moves, like the "BGS" -- "block, grab and stab with the spear," really test the wrist strength.
Powerful and swift moves require explosive force and speed. During the moves, your waist strength drives the shoulders, then your elbows, then your wrists, and eventually, it goes through your hands. This brings the whole-body strength to the tip of the spear to maximize it.
In spare times, Shi would practice archery with his fellow apprentices, as training for accuracy. While improving his skills, he also gets his inner cultivation in daily practice.
The feature of Shaolin kung fu is "the unity of Zen and martial arts." The practice and the meditation are in the daily routine of the warrior monks. Whenever he encountered a bottleneck, he would calm down to gather his thoughts and console his mind in the cultivation.
"When you focus all your minds on the martial arts, you can improve the techniques as well as the inner world," says Shi.
"The master told me that if I wanted to practice well, I must calm down first and focus on one single thing. If I were distracted, I could fall into a dilemma. I have to clear away all distractions and try my best to concentrate. Only in this way can I practice it well," says Shi.
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